Timothy Freundlich
Founder & Executive Director, Strategic Development,

Timothy is an expert in creating innovative financial instruments for impact investing, and is deeply committed to advancing this field. He spent 12 years at Calvert Impact Capital, where he played a key role in developing the Calvert Community Investment Note. This initiative has raised over USD $4 billion, which has been invested in hundreds of nonprofits and for-profits around the world. During his time at Calvert, he also developed the prototype for the ImpactAssets Donor Advised Fund (DAF). This DAF has since grown into a USD $3 billion impact investment-based DAF and advisory firm, now known as ImpactAssets, which was spun out in 2010.
Although he previously served as CEO for a decade, Timothy currently holds the position of Executive Director of Strategic Development. Additionally, he is a co-founder of Good Capital and its Social Enterprise Expansion Fund, as well as the SOCAP Conference.